Enhanced User Profile for Jira: Functional Document

Enhanced User Profile for Jira: Functional Document

1. Features

1.1 User creation (Import User profile):

  1. Enhanced User Profile for Jira plugin for create bulk user with their properties.
  2. User details are upload in csv file with their profile details.
  3. we canupload other language CSV files(Jira supported language only) also, plugin have UTF-8 format support.

1.2 Mapping User Detail:

  1. Mapping the all header in CSV file with default mapping list(User Name, Display Name, Group Name, Email Id, User Profile(Multi selector).
  2. mapping the field with each row will not allow to map duplicate field i.e same CSV file header name in two row.
  3. In User profile we can select any header names for create profile for users.

1.3 Success page:

  1. This page will show the status of user creation User Name, Display Name, Email, Group Name, Properties, Status, Remark.

1.4 User Profile:

  1. profile can be user phone number, designation, DOB etc..
  2. plugin allow to user select multiple profile details in multi selector box from mapping page. 

 1.5 Hover Menu:

  1. Jira hover menu allows user to view other user details in issue view (Assignee, reporter, commented users), user management page(user list).

2. Marketplace Document Link:

  1. Enhanced User Profile for Server