Enhanced User Profile for Jira: Functional Document
Enhanced User Profile for Jira: Functional Document
1. Features
1.1 User creation (Import User profile):
- Enhanced User Profile for Jira plugin for create bulk user with their properties.
- User details are upload in csv file with their profile details.
- we canupload other language CSV files(Jira supported language only) also, plugin have UTF-8 format support.
1.2 Mapping User Detail:
- Mapping the all header in CSV file with default mapping list(User Name, Display Name, Group Name, Email Id, User Profile(Multi selector).
- mapping the field with each row will not allow to map duplicate field i.e same CSV file header name in two row.
- In User profile we can select any header names for create profile for users.
1.3 Success page:
- This page will show the status of user creation User Name, Display Name, Email, Group Name, Properties, Status, Remark.
1.4 User Profile:
- profile can be user phone number, designation, DOB etc..
- plugin allow to user select multiple profile details in multi selector box from mapping page.
1.5 Hover Menu:
- Jira hover menu allows user to view other user details in issue view (Assignee, reporter, commented users), user management page(user list).
2. Marketplace Document Link:
, multiple selections available,