Project Replica for Cloud
This Atlassian Marketplace app can be used to create Jira projects with issue types using a source template.
2. App Installation:
Step 1: Log in as a JIRA administrator. Go to -> Administration -> Add-on -> Find Add-on
Step 2: Find the "Project Replica" and click "Install."
3. Project Replica Process:
Step 1: Go to Jira Home → Click on Apps drop down -> Click on “Empyra Utility”
Step 2: Enter your email address and API token. You cannot access the project replica tab without entering the right credentials.
Step 3: Once you fill both the fields, click on "Validate"
Step 4: If you have entered the right credentials, you will see a "Success" message, and you can continue using the other tab.
Step 5: If you enter the wrong credentials, you will see an "Error" message, which will restrict you from accessing other tab.
Step 6: Once you get the "Success" message in the "Validation" tab, click on "Project Replica."
Step 7: Once you open Project Replica, Select the Project Replica Template(Source project), Select the Issue Type, Enter Destination Project Name, Enter Destination Project Key and Enter Base URL.
Note: Make sure the source project template is created before performing the project replica process. In the source project, based on our requirements, we can create different types of issue types.
Step 7: Once you’ve filled all the fields, click “Create Project“.
Step 8: You’ll get the message “Project was created successfully”.
Step 9: Newly created project using project replica template you can able to see in the projects
4. Audit Log:
This should open up a view with system logs in it. You can scroll through the entries to see the operations listed over here. While reporting for any issue, you can copy and paste these lines of logs so that we can identify if the issue is with how the process is followed or if there is really a bug in the system.