QA Team Testing versions
QA Team Testing versions
Product / App Name | |
Developer Lead/Developer | Raman Saravanakumar / Sharmendra Vishwakarma |
Quality Sign Off By | |
Product/Business Owner Sign Off By |
Plugin Version | Bug/Feature List | Status | Remark |
OBR 1.2 | AP-230 BPI 1.3 : Error message is not showing after saving same value of records | Resolved | Bug: validation for duplicate values in drop down box not working. Solution: Added validation script with popup error message. |
Duplicate | AP-231 BPI 1.3 : User Profile should have option 'Don't Map this field' for not given any value[Suggestion] | New release | This feature aldready raised by US team(jay). duplicate issues of AP-99 . |
Feature | AP-233 BPI 1.3: More than one group name is not taking | Resolved | Group name is jira fields, here hover menu will show only properties of users. |
Feature | AP-232 BPI 1.3: Selected filed name should not show in other field drop down option while field mapping (Suggestion) | New release | planed to include in next version. |
, multiple selections available,