Project Creation QA Testing Version
Project Creation QA Testing Version
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Jira Ticket link: AP-268
Plugin version | Bug List | Status | Remark |
1.0.0 | AP-270 PC 1.1 : Selected Custom fields are not mandatory fields on the issue creation page | To-Do | Custom fields are created by users they need to make a custom field mandatory. if we have functionality like custom fields are created by plugin we can give this feature. |
1.0.1 | AP-269 PC 1.0 :After changing the workflow of the issue a new project is not getting created | Resolved | Bug: QA team using jira timebomb license for test the plugin. Jira has updated new license type called "Test", previously we not included condition for "Test" license type. solution: We have added license condition for "Test" license type and project creation working fine. |
1.0.2 | AP-290 PC 1.1 :If new project is not getting created,then an error message should get displayed | Resolved | we have created status page for showing all project creation details. |
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