Follow Up Plugin : Documentation

Follow Up Plugin : Documentation

AP-258 - Getting issue details... STATUS AP-455 - Getting issue details... STATUS

App Objective:

Follow-up enables you to generate reminders for all issues that have had no action for an elapsed time period. This applies to assignee and users that are tagged on the comments for which there was no follow up action. Reminders can be reviewed as reports or sent via email to the assignee or tagged users.

Functional Requirements:

The functional requirements of the Follow up application:

  1. Basic search functionalities with Project, Issue type and Time Elapse
  2. Use JQL filter to select the range of issues and also predefined time elapsed values.
  3. App should create Time elapsed custom field and should use it for calculation.
  4. The report should show the username, number of days elapsed and the total number of issues in which the user is mentioned (predefined 'time elapsed categories (>=2days, >=7 days and >=14 days)). Consolidated report for each user with time elapsed categories.
  5. Exporting the report in the form of CSV / PDF.
  6. Saving the query for the scheduler - Limit the query count based on the Jira count specified in the Jira server settings.
  7. Sending emails as the reminder for all the users who are mentioned in the issue - Each user gets the report of issues they are mentioned on (on the comments).
  8. Scheduling the report based on particular time.
  9. Report generation will be restricted based on the user project permission.
  10. Users can save their filters and generate a report based on the saved filter. 

Technical Limitations:

The technical limitations for the application

  1. The basic and advanced JQL should include time elapsed custom field in the query.
  2. Displaying all the issues in the report screen is not possible due to issue count(If the Count is > 10000) Proposed solution on the count we can have hyperlink on the issue count that can take us to the issues view page(Export option for all the issues in CSV) - Give hyperlink to see issues in issue navigator and limit issue display based on the issue count limit as set in Jira.
  3. Once the user triggers the report the following actions will performed

             * Search query execution based on parameters project, issue type and time elapsed

             * Create tables depends on  the query data

             * Apply Filter logic in the table(users, time elapsed and issue keys)

             * Export options based on the parameters users,time elapsed and issue key

             * Delete the table after export

             * If scheduler is enabled trigger the step 1(Search query execution based on parameters project, issue type and time elapsed) on the scheduled time

       4. Including the time elapsed function JQL function.

       5. Time elapsed will be calculated function based on the time stamp of the issue

       6. We can only share the query we can't send the report to anyone from UI

       7. The plugin can't access the DB directly to fetch data(Rest API or Java classes should be used), Jira cloud restricts DB access. Need to verify the data complexity when running the query, storage of the data in local db/other formats and updates whenever query is triggered.

To do Activities :

The To-Do activities for the follow up application

  1. Checking how to add the Time elapsed function.
  2. Identify the user mentioned in the activity (Latest comment).
  3. Calculate the time elapsed from the last activity(Latest comments)
  4. Explore implementing the project permission for query sharing

Functionality of Follow Up App Version 1

Please find the attachment here for the functionality of the first version of Cloud Follow Up App V1

Guidelines for requesting access to email address for sending outgoing emails

Draft Timing Plan for App Development:

Sr.NoTaskEstimations (Hours)Actual Start DateActual End dateStatusAssigneeRemark
1R & D for Implementation

1.1Explore Spring boot framework for Cloud app16   AP-569 - Getting issue details... STATUS DipeshPrerequisite
1.2Explore React JS to use atlas kit in cloud app40   AP-571 - Getting issue details... STATUS DipeshPrerequisite
1.3Create a cloud app and  follow up report view page to list all issues [Screen 1] with Spring boot framework16   AP-599 - Getting issue details... STATUS DipeshFirst Cloud app uses Spring boot + atlas kit (React JS)
1.5Create email template  [Screen 1 – Popup ] - spring boot 8  AP-784 - Getting issue details... STATUS DipeshCreate an email template with Spring boot and trigger email

 Total 80

2Functionality Task

2.1Design UI to view all issues which have user tagged in the last comment8   AP-650 - Getting issue details... STATUS Dipesh(Use multi-select project list, issue type, time elapsed  filter)  [Screen 1]
2.2Back end code to load list of all project and issues8   AP-651 - Getting issue details... STATUS Dipesh
2.3Back end code to list all issue which has the last user mentioned in comment with time elapsed8   AP-660 - Getting issue details... STATUS Dipesh

  Gave KT to the team and created a plan for spring boot enhanced user profile app

2.4Back end code to list all issue which has the last user mentioned in comment with total count and all filter 24   AP-661 - Getting issue details... STATUS Dipesh
  • I was on holiday between   to  
  • Worked 1 more day to complete this task. 
2.5Save report functionality - Design DB, save a record 8   AP-662 - Getting issue details... STATUS Dipesh
2.6UI and backend code to show all save report [Screen -2]8    AP-664 - Getting issue details... STATUS Dipesh

backend code to delete report and hyperlink to open the same report in screen 1

8   AP-665 - Getting issue details... STATUS Dipesh

2.8Export follow up report in CSV format  [Screen 1] 8    AP-663 - Getting issue details... STATUS Dipesh Worked 5h with Nishant to fix the issue   AP-726 - Getting issue details... STATUS  on  
2.9Detail view report for all tagged user24   AP-745 - Getting issue details... STATUS Dipesh
  • -As discussed with Yuvraj we need to discuss proposed UI with Shanti

    -Need to work more on CSS for wrap multiline text for detail view report 

  • Worked 1 more day to complete this task.

Dev deployment and Testing

8   AP-764 - Getting issue details... STATUS Dipesh


Modify email template and trigger email to respected tagged user for the reminder16   AP-666 - Getting issue details... STATUS Dipesh
  • Worked 1 more day to complete this task
3.3 UI Validation, 8

AP-779 - Getting issue details... STATUS Dipesh
3.4Testing App by US Team 8

JayNeed to prepare test cases including expected functionality 
3.5Prepare Marketplace Document 8


Internal Demo with Shanthi:  

Expected Go Live Date:  

3.7Production Deployment 

AP-780 - Getting issue details... STATUS Dipesh

Need VM and make setup ready for production

(Marketplace document, summary  pricing, and screenshots) 

3.8Bug fixes for Tag Tracker 

AP-877 - Getting issue details... STATUS

3.9Enhancement and Suggestion  for Tag Tracker 

AP-878 - Getting issue details... STATUS

4VM Setup for tag Tracker 

AP-819 - Getting issue details... STATUS

4.1Changes to the Tag Tracker app

AP-881 - Getting issue details... STATUS

4.2Read time out error while loading App

AP-895 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Total 120

Phase-1 development:  AP-258

@Jay Karmarkar – To-do:


Need clarification on send summary option of Send Reminder via email page  [Screen 1 – Popup ]


Need clarification on send to option of Schedule Report page  [Screen 2 – Popup ]


Need example and content for Send reminder template.

  File Modified

Microsoft Word Document Functional_Doc_V1.docx

Oct 30, 2019 by Dipesh Chouksey (Unlicensed)

PNG File image2019-11-11_15-30-35.png

Nov 11, 2019 by Jean Mizero

Microsoft Word Document Follow-up app outgoing email content.docx

Nov 19, 2019 by Jay Karmarkar (Unlicensed)

PNG File template2.png

Dec 11, 2019 by Jay Karmarkar (Unlicensed)

PNG File template.png

Dec 11, 2019 by Jay Karmarkar (Unlicensed)

PNG File transparent.png

Dec 23, 2019 by Jay Karmarkar (Unlicensed)

Related Jira Issues:

key summary type created updated assignee reporter priority status resolution