30.1.1.Technical Specifications
We have configured three scheduled jobs to run for this app.
Job to pull properties from Workday
Job to push properties to JIRA
Job to delete log of old scheduled jobs which are older than 30 days
The first two schedule jobs were present in the earlier releases and third has been added in this release.
Details of changes made to each scheduled job
Job to pull properties from Workday
Whenever this job starts it makes a soap request to workday to get the data for first batch of employees. After getting the first batch of employees in xml format it stores the response locally and then makes the request for second batch by modifying the XML soap request. We have changed the app to log the event whenever the job starts. The outcome of the job depends on whether or not the job successfully make the request to fetch the first batch of employees. If the job successfully fetches the first batch then we are sure that the job is able to connect and fetch the employee details. After the retrieval of first batch we make the status of the batch as “success”, “failure” otherwise. We may change this behavior in the future releases to wait until the job has fully completed before logging the outcome.
2. Job to push properties to JIRA
This job goes through all the xml responses stored locally and pushes information stored in these xml responses as user properties against each user record in JIRA. We start our logging for this job when the job starts and checks if the provided credentials have the access to the Jira instance and has the permission to edit the record or not. If the connected credentials for Jira doesn’t have requred permission then the outcome is logged as 'failure' or else the job goes ahead to fetch locally stored xml responses and pushes details in these responses to JIRA. The job run is marked as success only if the job goes through all the xml responses and deletes all of them after successfully processing them.
3. Job to delete log of old scheduled jobs which are older than 30 days
This job is called everyday to delete the logs of the jobs older than 30 days from the database so that they do not appear in the UI anymore.
Details of the changes made to the UI
We have added a web link at system.top.navigation.bar
location clicking on which will display the status of all the scheduled job log data in a tabular form in the Jira UI.