In this configuration the user has to create and setup all the required Incident fields to allow the app to sync specific fields like status, priority, files, attachments, and other fields, ensuring consistent and accurate information flow between the ServiceNow and Jira.
Follow the below steps to add the required ServiceNow fields:
Step 1: Login to your servicenow account.
Step 2: Click on All. Search for Incident and select incident option.
Step 3: Open any incident.
An Incident window will open.
Step 4: Right click on the incident. Select Configure. Click on Form Layout.
Hover your cursor over the grey-shaded area in the incident window, then right-click to see the Configure option.
Configuring Incident form window will appear.
Step 5: Select the required incident fields from Available layout and click on add.
Make sure the field is added to the Selected layout.
Add the required incident fields from below list.
Field Name | Type |
SN Number | string |
SN SysId | string |
Number | string |
Short description | string |
Description | string |
State | choice |
Additional comments | journal input |
Assigned to | reference |
Assignment group | reference |
Caller | reference |
Category | Choice |
Impact | choice |
Priority | choice |
Urgency | choice |
Problem | reference |
Work notes | journal input |
Work notes list | list |
If any required incident field is not displayed in the Available layout, create new field and add it to Selected layout.
Step 6: Click on Save.
Your ServiceNow field set up is completed with the required incident fields.