This phase is only focusing on the UCPath project. At a later phase we will include other project.
SN Incident to TnT Jira "Defect" Issue Type
SN Incident will feed into TnT Jira "Defects" issue type upon creation.
All defects created for an incident must have "Does this apply to production" defaulted to 'YES'.
The "Affect's Version's" and "Fix Version's" fields must have "Production - Maintenance" defaulted in the defect.
The "Defected in Environment" must have "UCPHRPRD" defaulted in the defect.
Any attachments in the incident should be brought over into the defect.
Incident number must be brought over from SN to the Service Now ID field.
Required fields in TnT Jira when it's create are:
Initiator, Summary, Description, Detected in Environment, Affects Version's, Fix Version's, Business Unit, Component, "Pay, Benefit, or General Ledger Impacts?", Required?, # of Employees Impacted?, Impact on Manual Work/Costs?
TnT Jira will feed into SN the defect number and any comments added into the defect.
TnT Jira will continue to feed updates to the SN incident until the defect is closed.
SN will continue to feed updates to TnT Jira defect until the incident is closed.
TnT Jira "Migration" Subtask to SN Change Request
Manually trigger a SN Change Request from the "Migration" sub-task in TnT Jira.
Include the following fields:
Reporter, Summary, Description, Migration ID, Parent Key number and Subtask Key number
Any attachments in the sub-task should be brought over into the SN Change Request.