This document purpose is to show implementation of Bulk Profile Importer.
This JIRA plugin to help to create multiple users by the help of CSV format file. To create new user we need four mandatory fields,
- User Name.
- Display Name.
- Email.
- password.
we can able to add additional profile details like,
- Supervisor.
- Email.
- Position.
- City.
- Business Phone.
- Company.
- Business Unit.
- Location.
- Cost Center.
Bulk profile importer application focused in upsert part. we can able to do update the profile to adding additional property name list.
Here we are using three modules,
- Import User Profile: This page contains file upload button and submit button. we used JIRA AUI web components for file upload function.
here file upload accept only the ".csv" file format.
i) file upload button have validation that it can accept only ".csv" file and others it will show error popup window to show error message
"only csv file accepted".
ii) "Submit" button not allow to submit form null selection in file upload button. - Fields Mapping: The perpose of field mapping is to read the csv file headers and map those heaser name to our default four field values.
this map help to read the related header name field data. Default fields are,
1) User Name.
2) Display Name.
3) Email.
4) Group Name.
5) User Profile.
i) We have field selction validation for all dropdawn list. without selection we can't submit form.
ii) Email validation: if we select wrong field for email user will not create, error message will show in imported users status page in remark column. - Imported Users Status: Tisp page contain table for showing user create status. we have following fields in table,
User Name.
Display Name.
Group Name.
User Management button will show JIRA user list page.
5.Process Flow Description:
5.1 Below steps to Import Users:
Step 1: Go to Administration page -> Click on Add-ons -> Go to Bulk Profile Importer section and click on “Import Users Profiles”.
Step 2: Choose file from your computer and click on next button.
Step 3: The file has to be in a CSV format, there are 4 fields that are required for every import User name, Display name, Email ID and
User Profile, has to be provided, group name is not mandatory. Use ";" to group name one to another.
Step 4: If you are using any other language except English please save file as a CSV UTF-8(Comma delimited) format file.
5.2 Below steps for map the csv file Header names with default header names:
Step 1: Map the JIRA user details with CSV file Header Name. If a field is mapped with field already, the same field should not be mapped again.
click on “Create Users” button.
Step 2: If user want assign default group names to user select "Don't map this field" option.
Step 3: Select multiple User Profile Names from multi selctor.