1. Overview
There shall be a Jira app that can be configured to enable bi-directional sync between Jira and ServiceNow.
3. Solution Description
3.1 Features
Sl No | Features |
1 | admin user should be able to configure the connection parameters in screen |
2 | admins user should be able to map the JIRA SD and Service Now Fields |
3 | Any change (create/update/delete/edit) in JIRA SD should update the respective incident in ServiceNow |
4 | Any change (create/update/delete/edit) in ServiceNow should update the respective Task/issues in Jira SD |
3.2 User and Roles
Jira Administrator privileges are required to install/access the plugin.
3.3 Supported Field Type Mapping
Sr. No | Jira Field Type | Status |
1 | Text Field (single line) | |
2 | Text Field (multi-line) | |
3 | Select List (single choice) | |
4 | WIKI Render | |
5 | Labels (multi-choice) | |
6 | Date Picker | |
7 | Date Time Picker | |
8 | Select List (cascading) | |
3.3 Supported Field Mapping Configuration for SAP Dev Instant
Image Added
3.4 Supported Field Mapping for SAP Dev Instant
Sr. No. | Jira Field | Service Now Field | Jira Field Type | Jira → ServiceNow (Status) | ServiceNow → Jira (Status) | Remark(ServiceNow → JIRA) | Remark(JIRA->ServiceNow) |
1 | Summary | Short Description | Text Field (single line) | | | Any update to Short Description Field will update the Summary Field in JIRA |
2 | Description | Description | Text Field (single line) | | | Any update to Description Field will update the Description Field in JIRA |
3 | Comment | Additional comments | WIKI Render | |
4 | Priority | Customer Priority | Text Field (single line) | |
5 | Issue Key | JIRA Issue Key | Text Field (single line) | |
6 | SN Number - CF | Number | Text Field (single line) | |
7 | SN Sys Id - CF | Sys ID | Text Field (single line) | |
8 | Reporter Priority | Customer Priority | Select List (single choice) | | | Any update to Customer Priority Field will update the Reporter Priority Field in JIRA. Note: In Script, we have hard coded the customer field ids and values | Working based on the rule sheet |
9 | Customer Data Protection | Data Protection Type | Select List (single choice) | |
| Any update to Data Protection Type Field will update the Customer Data Protection Field in JIRA. Note: In Script, we have hard coded the customer field ids and values | Working based on the rule sheet |
10 | Environment Type | Used for | Select List (single choice) | |
| Working based on the rule sheet |
11 | Request Source | Source | Select List (single choice) | | | Any update to Source Field will update the Request Source Field in JIRA. Note: In Script, we have hard coded the customer field ids and values |
12 | Customer(s) | Customer(s) | Labels | |
13 | Data Center | Prefix Description | Labels | |
| Field is disabled for any entry. So, script is not recognizing this field. | Field type is not the same in ServiceNow |
14 | Affects Version/s | Prefix Description | Labels | |
| Field is not visible in ServiceNow, so its not mapped. Note : Script is not recognizing this field. | Field is not available in ServiceNow |
15 | Component/s | Prefix Description | Labels | |
| Field is not visible in ServiceNow, so its not mapped. Note : Script is not recognizing this field. | Field is not available in ServiceNow |
3.4 API details for mapping between Jira field options and Service now field options
Sr. No. | API Description | Request parameters | Endpoint details | Response format | Status | Remark |
1 | List api to get the now fields(Add service now field type to this api) | NA |
2 | List api to get the options for each service now field of the type dropdown | fieldId - service now field id |
3 | List api to get list of all the mappings between Jira field options and service now field options | projectKey - key of the project issueType - issue type related to the project jiraFieldId - id of the Jira field serviceNowFieldId - id of the service now field |
4 | Create api to add mapping between the Jira field option and Service Now field option | projectKey - key of the project issueType - issue type related to the project jiraFieldId - id of the Jira field serviceNowFieldId - id of the service now field jiraOptionId - id of the Jira option pertaining to Jira field serviceNowOptionId - Id of the service now option pertaining to service now field |
5 | Delete api endpoint to delete data for the mapping between Jira field option and Service Now field option | projectKey - key of the project issueType - issue type related to the project jiraFieldId - id of the Jira field serviceNowFieldId - id of the service now field jiraOptionId - id of the Jira option pertaining to Jira field serviceNowOptionId - Id of the service now option pertaining to service now field |
6 | Get transition API | Issue Key | http://empyratestqa.eastus.cloudapp.azure.com/rest/api/2/issue/COSD-4/transitions |
| It gives all possible transaction for the issues |
7 | Post transition API |
Code Block |
"update": {
"comment": [
"add": {
"body": "Comment added when resolving issue"
"transition": {
"id": "2"
} |
| http://empyratestqa.eastus.cloudapp.azure.com/rest/api/2/issue/COSD-4/transitions |
| It updates transaction. Reference to update other fields with transition https://docs.atlassian.com/software/jira/docs/api/REST/8.5.4/#api/2/issue-doTransition |
8 | Post attachments |
Code Block |
Authorization: Basic c3Zpc2h3YWthcm1hOnN2aXNod2FrYXJtYQ==
X-Atlassian-Token: no-check
Content-Type: multipart/form-data;
name="file"; filename="Assig.PNG"
Content-Type: image/png
| http://empyratestqa.eastus.cloudapp.azure.com/rest/api/2/issue/COSD-4/attachments |
| It creates an attachment for the JIRA issue. |