Note: The Size of the attachment file can be changed.
4. API
Create customer request POST /rest/servicedeskapi/request
Hit the below endpoint URL with parameters to get sessionKey
URL: https://netxtest.artic.edu/external/api/json
Body Parameters (required):
Step 1: Upload files to NetX server using below endpoint URL and parameters:
Body Parameters (required):
Filename: file
sessionKey : sessionKey
categoryId : categoryId (folder id)
Filedata: file.jpg
Response from Postman:
Step 2: Hit the create asset API using the below endpoint URL
Body Parameters (required):
sessionKey : sessionKey
Filedata: file.jpg
categoryId : categoryId (folder id)
Code Block language json { "id": "7441158495944158", "method": "createAssetFromFile", "params": [ "vhq6XpIrLdkCqirl2xFj8CEzk", "TestImageN6.jpg", 403, { "data": [ "asset.id", "asset.base", "asset.file" ] } ], "dataContext": "json", "jsonrpc": "2.0" }
Code Block language json { "result": { "id": 164608, "name": "TestImageN6", "fileName": "TestImageN6.jpg", "creationDate": 1602769228000, "importDate": 1602769228000, "modDate": 1602769228000, "file": { "name": "TestImageN6.jpg", "size": 33386, "width": null, "height": null, "checksum": null, "url": "/file/asset/164608/original/attachment" }, "proxies": null, "views": null, "relatedAssets": null, "folders": null, "attributes": null }, "id": "7441158495944158", "jsonrpc": "2.0" }
Hit the below endpoint URL to get assets from specific folders
URL: https://netxtest.artic.edu/external/api/json
Body Parameters (required):
Request Type | Object Photography/Conservation Photography | Gallery rotation | Exhibition | Labwork | Archive | Non-Object Photography |
Condition | There should be a text field in customer portal to capture the object id | There should a text field in customer portal to capture the object id | There should a text field in customer portal to capture the object id | There should a text field in customer portal to capture the object id | NA | NA |
Action | It opens a JSD(customer portal) form and pre-populates the data coming from CITI | It opens a JSD(customer portal) form and pre-populates the data coming from CITI | It opens a JSD(customer portal) form and pre-populates the data coming from CITI | It opens a JSD(customer portal) form and pre-populates the data coming from CITI | NA | NA |
CITI Metadata | title | Place ID/Place shortcut codes | Place ID/Place shortcut codes | NA | NA | |
Comments | NA | NA | NA | NA | Out Of Scope as far as CITI integration is concerned | Out Of Scope as far as CITI integration is concerned |
Process for creating request by Manual entry of object ids in JSD portal (applicable for all request types)
Request Types | All request types except Non-Object Photography and Archive |
Process |
Implementation Details | We can make the call to the custom JSD api from Customer portal. The custom JSD api then can call the CITI’s caption api and return the response to the client code in the customer portal. |
Comment | Artic is yet to confirm this process as of 6th Nov 2020. They will be discussing with imaging team internally and will come with the confirmation. |
Process for generating file names (Awaiting confirmation from ARTIC as of 6th Nov 2020)
Ticket (job) is created
Jira autogenerates a filename starting with J (to be confirmed with Imaging team) and going up sequentially for each ticket submitted
First ticket should be J000001
It was noted during today's Imaging meeting that the autogenerating of filename happens at the time the Phoenix job is created. Phoenix creates a filename (sequentially based on time of job creation), stores it as a value in a field, and the Imaging team copies and pastes that value when naming the file on their server.
Autogenerated filename is added as a value in a field in Jira called "Filename information" or something like that
Imaging staff names the RAW file with the value provided in "Filename information" by copy and pasting (same as Phoenix currently) the field value when naming the file
Imaging staff uploads named RAW file to Jira to share with customer
Imaging staff names the final file to be uploaded into NetX "Filename information"-int For example, J000001-int
Jira pushes the final file (and relevant data) into NetX once the ticket is complete. Only files with "-int" included will be pushed to NetX. Imaging team to determine where they will be storing RAW and edited files.
Jira Issue Task List
Jira Legacy | ||||||||||