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11. Script to hide the custom fields on create screen if the user is not a project admin (behaviors - Server)

Code Block
Script to hide the "Notes" field if the current logged in user is not in "Project Owner" role
and show it if the user is in "Project Owner" role. 
User can be in multiple roles but 
if he/she is not part of "Project Owner" role field should not be shown.

import com.atlassian.jira.user.ApplicationUser
import com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
import com.atlassian.jira.project.ProjectManager
import com.atlassian.jira.user.util.UserManager

//define the project role

final String PROJECT_OWNER = "Project Owner";
//define the project name
final String PROJECT_NAME = "TnT Jira Support Services";

//settingset flags to show and hide field
final boolean NOTES_VISIBLE = true;
final boolean NOTES_NOT_VISIBLE = false;

//customdefine the field nameto be shown/hidden
final String NOTES = "Notes";

//to get the current logged in user
def loggedInUser = ComponentAccessor.getJiraAuthenticationContext().getLoggedInUser();
//get projectManagerProjectManager class
def projectManagerClass = ComponentAccessor.projectManager;
def projectRoleManager = ComponentAccessor.getComponent(ProjectRoleManager);
//get the project role object of logged in user
ProjectRole newRole = projectRoleManager.getProjectRole(PROJECT_OWNER);
//get the project object of the project against which logged in user roles are checked
def project = projectManagerClass.getProjectObjByName(PROJECT_NAME);
//get the custom field 
def notesField = getFieldByName(NOTES);
//check if the logged in user belongshas toa aproject role in a project, returnsreturn boolean 
def projectRoles = projectRoleManager.isUserInProjectRole(loggedInUser, newRole, project);
//conditionscondition to hideset andthe show custom field basedhidden onor projectshown role
    if(projectRoles.equals(NOTES_VISIBLE)) {
} else {



  1. Knowledge on how script-runner listener works for both cloud and server

  2. Got to understand different scenarios for Jira based on which scripts were written

  3. Basic knowledge on groovy

  4. While setting the value for multi-select system fields always set the values based on “id’s of values” and not “values itself“ in behaviors

  5. While setting the value for single select system fields we can directly give “values” instead of “id’s of values”

  6. script-runner behaviors

  7. While setting the value for single select custom field we have to give “id’s of values” only (can also be directly configured in field setting as these are custom fields)
