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3.4 API details for mapping between Jira field options and Service now field options

Sr. No.API DescriptionRequest parametersEndpoint detailsResponse formatStatusRemark
1List api to get the now fields(Add service now field type to this api) NA

2List api to get the options for each service now field of the type dropdown

fieldId - service now field id

3List api to get list of all the mappings between Jira field options and service now field options

projectKey - key of the project

issueType - issue type related to the project

jiraFieldId - id of the Jira field

serviceNowFieldId - id of the service now field

4Create api to add mapping between the Jira field option and Service Now field option

projectKey - key of the project

issueType - issue type related to the project

jiraFieldId - id of the Jira field

serviceNowFieldId - id of the service now field

jiraOptionId - id of the Jira option pertaining to Jira field

serviceNowOptionId - Id of the service now option pertaining to service now field

5Delete api endpoint to delete data for the mapping between Jira field option and Service Now field option

projectKey - key of the project

issueType - issue type related to the project

jiraFieldId - id of the Jira field

serviceNowFieldId - id of the service now field

jiraOptionId - id of the Jira option pertaining to Jira field

serviceNowOptionId - Id of the service now option pertaining to service now field

6Get transition API Issue Key

It gives all possible transaction for the issues  
7Post  transition API

Code Block
    "update": {
        "comment": [
                "add": {
                    "body": "Comment added when resolving issue"
    "transition": {
        "id": "2"

It updates transaction.

Reference to update other fields with transition 

8Post attachments 

Code Block
Authorization: Basic c3Zpc2h3YWthcm1hOnN2aXNod2FrYXJtYQ==
X-Atlassian-Token: no-check
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; 


name="file"; filename="Assig.PNG"
Content-Type: image/png

It creates an attachment for the issue.