- Nodejs (framework)
- npm (commands to install and run the application)
- Microsoft Visual Studio (platform to run the code)
- Sourcetree (to clone the code from bitbucket)
- ngrok (tunneling between nodejs and Jira cloud)
- Workday system contains the properties of all the users present in the system
- "Workday for JIRA" application pulls the user properties from Workday system
- The application checks if the same user exist in JIRA system based on email
- If the users exist then the properties will be pushed into JIRA system else the application won't push the data
- This process is automated and synchronizes every 24hrs
- Install nodejs and set the path
- Install npm, and ngrok
- Clone the code from Bit Bucket, unzip it and save it in a folder
- Install Microsoft Visual Studio and import the folder containing code
- Go to credentials file and enter the right details (hostname, api token etc)
- Go to property file and make the necessary changes by adding what is required (custom field id, hostname etc)
- Open terminal and run "npm install" command
- Once it is finished run "npm start". This will start the application and install it in JIRA cloud instance.
- You can now access the app in JIRA cloud instance
- Create a test issue
- Change the reporter
- to an existing workday user
- Custom fields will populate and will show details related to the reporter in that issue