1.Download link for JMeter
Link: https://jmeter.apache.org/download_jmeter.cgi
Download the file from this link.
2. Confluence link for JMeter Reference
Link: https://empyrajira.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/AAI/pages/209256548/Jmeter+Tutorial
Refer this link for installing JMeter and how to use the tool.
3. Getting the Script
Repository Link: https://bitbucket.org/empyrabitbucket/app-server-jmeter-smoke-test/src/master/
4.Why Smoke test
We have plugins in marketplace to check Automation script to test the functionality the smoke test is created. of the Jira app with the new Jira versions. To check the app is working fine with all the versions of Jira.
5.Steps need to done before running the script
Step 1: Change the Username,Password,Host and Port according to the stance in which you are going to run the script