Versions Compared


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Estimated time to complete the task for both order management and contract review

Estimated time to complete the task for order management


New template idea for project creation

Instead of having multiple project templates with each full of dozens of tasks, we would like to create a single master template with all possible tasks for any type of machine project.

We would also create template definitions or mappings for which tasks are associated with which templates. For the project creation process we would then pick a template like normal, but instead of copying an entire project it will refer to the mapping and only copy over the tasks associated with that template.

This prevents us from keeping multiple templates in sync. For future maintenance we would be able to update the master project, and the template definitions.

  • Contract Review Code change-16h

  • Order Management Code Change-16h

  • Testing-8h


  • Order Management Code Change-16h

  • Testing-8h



Script for copy over parent issue field values to subtask.

Need to copy the parent issue field values to subtask.

8h(including testing)