Increase the maximum number of tabs which may open for a multi-object ticket to 20 instead of 10. How does this impact performance?
May have performance impact. Suggested for 10.
Automate the attachment/ingest process between the Imaging server and NetX.
It would be preferable to skip Jira for attaching files, since the Jira server is quickly filling up storage with the large Imaging files required for the ingest
For Exhibition, Non-object, and Object issue types:
The name of the directory will contain the J number assigned to the ticket
Ticket number = IMAGEREQ-123
Directory name = J123
Final file name = J123-int.tif
Pick up any/all "-int" files in the directory for that ticket and ingest them along with the metadata fields into NetX
This accounts for "complex assets" i.e. more than one final file per ticket
For Labwork issue type:
Most labwork orders do not use the J naming convention for the final file name, but the directory uses J numbers to map to the proper ticket. For example:
Ticket number = IMAGEREQ-777
Directory name = J777
Final file name = G134-int.tif and this should ingest into the G folder in NetX
Here is another example:
Ticket number = IMAGEREQ-888
Directory name = J888
Final file name = D567-int.tif which will ingest into the D folder in NetX