Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Object Type Photography(same workflow as Conservation Photography)

  • Gallery Rotation Photography request

  • Exhibition Photography request

  • Collections Labwork Request

  • Collections Archive Request 

  • Non-Collections Labwork Request

  • Non-Collections Archive Request 

  • Non-Object Photography


  • From CITI(Pre-population from CITI is required through GET request URL)

    • Object Photography

    • Exhibition Photography

    • Gallery Photography

    • Collections Labwork Request(For data in CITI)

    • Collections Archive Photography Request

  • From JSD Customer form (Pre-population from CITI is not required)

    • Non-Collections Archive Photography Request 

    • Non-Object Photography

    • Labwork(For data not in CITI)Non-Collections Labwork Request


Note: CITI will only be passing the object ids or exhibition ids or asset ids in the URL. Rest of the information about the object will have to pulled from CITI’s captions api itself. For asset ids the information should be pulled from NETX post creation of the ticket

4. Steps for pre-population of data (Valid for Object, Exhibition,Gallery, Collections Archive and Collections Labwork


photography only)

  • User will perform some action in CITI which will open up tab(tabs) in the user’s browser

  • CITI app will pass object ids or exhibition ids or asset ids in the URL

  • JSD will capture these ids in the url and will make calls to CITI’s caption api to get the details

  • JSD will populate the customer portal form with data pulled from captions api (For asset id/s the data should be pulled from NEXT rather than CITI api but this should happen post creation of the ticket in JSD)

  • User will now fill the rest of the form and will submit the ticket


Case Name(passed as parameter through url by CITI)

Case Details


Parent and children having same values for fields except object ids (For Object Photography only)


Parent and children having different values for form fields (For Object Photography only)


Multi object scenario with all objects having same field values (For Object Photography and Labwork only)


Multi object scenario with all objects having different field values (For Object Photography and )


Multi asset scenario with all assets having same field values (For Collections Labwork only)


Multi asset scenario with all assets having different field values (For Collections Labwork only)


Gallery Rotation Photography (For Gallery Rotation Photography only)


Exhibition Photography (For Exhibition Photography only)


Collections Archive Photography (For Collections Archive Photography only)mutiObjectType3

Multi object scenario with all objects having same field values (For collections archive Photography)


Multi object scenario with all objects having different field values (For non-collections archive Photography)


Collections Archive Request for Gallery rotation only


Collections Archive Request for Exhibition only

6. Ways in which request can be made from CITI -





URL to be called from CITI

Process of creation of tickets in JIRA

Multi object scenario with all objects having same field values

User requests using the CITI app

User will perform an action in CITI app which will open a browser and a GET request will be made to JSD customer portal
(There will be only one tab)


Create one ticket for the request on submission
Create N sub-tasks each for the combination objectid, light type, 360 spin and view type requested
Copy the information from parent ticket to each sub task
Filenames are generated for each sub-tasks but not for the parent ticket
Parent ticket should be closed when all the sub tasks are closed
Filenames are generated for each sub-tasks but not for the main ticket

RequestId = UUID identifier for identifying the request

Multi object scenario with all objects having different field values

User requests using the CITI app

Multiple tabs will be opened(limited to 10 per order) one for each object

Tab1 - {base_url}?requestType=mutiObjectType2&id=43243&requestId=6948DF80-14BD-4E04-8842-7668D9C001F5

Tab2 - {base_url}?requestType=mutiObjectType2&id=53743&requestId=6948DF80-14BD-4E04-8842-7668D9C001F5

Create one ticket for each request submission(Each Tab)
Create N sub-tasks(for each ticket) each for the combination objectid, 360 spin, light type and view type requested
Main ticket should be closed when all sub-task tickets are closed
Filenames are generated for each sub-tasks but not for the main ticket

RequestId = UUID identifier for identifying the request

6.2 Object Photography with parent-child relationship




URL to be called from CITI

Process of creation of tickets in JIRA

Parent and children having same values for fields

User requests using the CITI app

User will perform an action in CITI app which will open a browser and a GET request will be made to JSD customer portal


On submission creates a single ticket for all order information in it
For each object requested create a sub-task for the combination of ObjectId, 360 spin, view details and light type
Summary of the child sub-task should contain the summary of the parent + objectid + (the light type or view details or 360 spin)
Main ticket should be closed when all sub-task tickets are closed
Filenames are generated for each sub-tasks but not for the main ticket

RequestId = UUID identifier for identifying the request

Parent and children having different values for form fields

User requests using the CITI app

Multiple tabs will be opened(limited to 10 per order) one for each object

Tab1 - {base_url}?requestType=parentChildType2&parentId=43243&childId=65443&requestId=6948DF80-14BD-4E04-8842-7668D9C001F5

Tab2 - {base_url}?requestType=parentChildType2&parentId=43243&childId=26553&requestId=6948DF80-14BD-4E04-8842-7668D9C001F5

Create one ticket for each request submission(Each Tab)
Create N sub-tasks(for each ticket) each for the combination objectid, 360 spin, light type and view type requested
Main ticket should be closed when all sub-task tickets are closed
Filenames are generated for each sub-tasks but not for the main ticket

RequestId = UUID identifier for identifying the request


Note : Parent child relationship and multi-object scenarios are only valid for Object type photography




URL to be called from CITI

Process of creation of tickets in JIRA

User requests using the CITI app

User will perform an action in CITI app which will open a browser and a GET request will be made to JSD customer portal


On submission create a single ticket with all order information in it
Create one filename for this ticket
No sub-tasks are required

RequestId = UUID identifier for identifying the request

6.4 Exhibition Photography



URL to be called from CITI

Process of creation of tickets in JIRA

User requests using the CITI app

User will perform an action in CITI app which will open a browser and a GET request will be made to JSD customer portal


On submission create a single ticket with all order information in it
Create one filename for this ticket
No sub-tasks are required

RequestId = UUID identifier for identifying the request

6.5 Collections Archive Photography(For Data in CITI)



URL to be called from CITI

Process of creation of tickets in JIRA

Multi object scenario with all objects having same field values

User will perform an action in CITI app which will open a browser and a GET request will be made to JSD customer portal using 'Archive Request' menu item in CITI


Create one ticket for the request on submission
Create N sub-tasks each for the combination objectid, light type, 360 spin and view type requested
Copy the information from parent ticket to each sub task
Filenames are generated for each sub-tasks but not for the parent ticket
Parent ticket should be closed when all the sub tasks are closed
Filenames are generated for each sub-tasks but not for the main ticket

RequestId = UUID identifier for identifying the request

Multi object scenario with all objects having different field values

Multiple tabs will be opened(limited to 10 per order) one for each object (Action from CITI = 'Archive Request')

Tab1 - {base_url}?requestType=mutiObjectType4&id=43243&requestId=6948DF80-14BD-4E04-8842-7668D9C001F5

Tab2 - {base_url}?requestType=mutiObjectType4&id=53743&requestId=6948DF80-14BD-4E04-8842-7668D9C001F5

Create one ticket for each request submission(Each Tab)
Create N sub-tasks(for each ticket) each for the combination objectid, 360 spin, light type and view type requested
Main ticket should be closed when all sub-task tickets are closed
Filenames are generated for each sub-tasks but not for the main ticket

RequestId = UUID identifier for identifying the request

User requests using the CITI app (CITI menu = Archive request)

User will perform an action in CITI app which will open a browser and a GET request will be made to JSD customer portal


On submission create a single ticket with all order information in it
Create one filename for this ticket
No sub-tasks are required

RequestId = UUID identifier for identifying the request

User requests using the CITI app (CITI menu = Archive request)

User will perform an action in CITI app which will open a browser and a GET request will be made to JSD customer portal


On submission create a single ticket with all order information in it
Create one filename for this ticket
No sub-tasks are required

RequestId = UUID identifier for identifying the request



Collections Labwork Request




URL to be called from CITI

Process of creation of tickets in JIRA

Single order for object asset labwork, Exhibition asset labwork or gallery rotation asset labwork

User requests using the CITI app for data present in CITI app

User will perform an action in CITI app which will open a browser and a GET request will be made to JSD customer portal


Create one ticket for the request on submission
Create N sub-tasks each for the combination objectid, light type, 360 spin and view type requested
Copy the information from parent ticket to each sub task
Filenames are not generated for each the sub-tasks but not for the parent ticket
Parent ticket should be closed when all the sub tasks are closedFilenames are generated for each sub-tasks but not for the main ticket

RequestId = UUID identifier for identifying the request

Multiple orders for object asset labwork, Exhibition asset labwork or gallery rotation asset labwork

User requests using the CITI app for data present in CITI app

User will perform an action in CITI app which will open a browser and a GET request will be made to JSD customer portal. All tickets should be related after submission

Tab 1 - {base_url}?requestType=mutiObjectType2mutiAssetType2&id=54324&requestId=6948DF80-14BD-4E04-8842-7668D9C001F5

Tab 2 - {base_url}?requestType=mutiObjectType2mutiAssetType2&id=54327&requestId=6948DF80-14BD-4E04-8842-7668D9C001F5

Create one ticket for each request submission(Each Tab)
Create N sub-tasks(for each ticket) each for the combination objectid, 360 spin, light type and view type requested
Main ticket should be closed when all sub-task tickets are closed
Filenames are not generated for each the sub-tasks but not for the main ticket

RequestId = UUID identifier for identifying the request


Note: For Non-Collections Archive photography, Non-Object photography and Labwork(For data not in CITI) Non-collections Labwork request users will directly visit JSD customer portal form and will fill in the details manually. For these there won’t be any data in CITI so there is no need for pre-population of fields.


For all collections Labwork orders we will pull in the following fields from NETX after creation of ticket in JSD - File Size, dimensions, Resolution, Color Profile, Digital Asset, Creation Date, Original Source, Make, Model, Modified date, MIME type, Focal Length, Aperture and Document Type


Types of Requests





Collections Archive

Non-Collections Archive

Labwork(For Data in CITI)

Labwork(For Data not in CITI)

Parameters to be pulled from CITI

Object Id
Object Type
Thumbnail Path
Parent Object Id
Current Location

Exhibition Id
Opening Date
Closing Date
Place Id?Short Code in CITI
Place Name/Location

Exhibition Id
Opening Date
Closing Date
Place Id?Short Code in CITI
Place Name/Location

NA(These requests will be initiated directly from JSD)

Object title / exhibition title

NA(These requests will be initiated directly from JSD)


NA(These requests will be initiated directly from JSD)


Jira Field

NETX Field

Filename assigned by Jira

Preferred title

Filename assigned by Jira

Imaging UID

Object ID (for Ryerson content)

Ryerson call number

Object ID

Object ID

Exhibition ID

Exhibition ID

Place ID

Place ID

Photographer assigned


Production staff assigned


Description of views or details

Image view

Treatment status of conservation

Treatment status

Image capture light type

Image capture light type

Jira Ticket number

Jira order number

Jira customer request type

Document type



Staff models

Individual(s) depicted

Original source

Original source

Analog asset creation date

Analog asset creation date




This image is a composite

Composite type?

Primary method of composite

Permissible use

Permissible use

Download requirements

Download requirements



Jira timestamp for QC status

Reviewed date

Publish status

Publish status

Note :- Field may not be required. This can be generated dynamically at the time of NETX push

Incoming Relationship Data
