User will create a ticket in JSD using one of the request types
JSD will generate a file name using the following process
JSD will consider the ticket number of the current ticket for ex. JSD-1
JSD will also generate a string which will be equivalent to the Linux timestamp for ex. 1604906024
JSD will combine the ticket number JSD-1 with the Linux timestamp → JSD-11604906024 or JSD11604906024 or 101941604906024(using positions of letters in English Alphabet system)
If there are more than one unique file name to be generated under each ticket than we can simply add _1, _2 after the filename generated in the above step
This process will help us track back the files by their names to the tickets in JSD
JSD will push this information to the field like “File Information“ or any other custom field/fields
Other file naming suggestions -
Jira # combined with Linux Timestamp and without object id ex. JSD1_1604913106
Jira # combined with Linux Timestamp and with object id ex. JSD1_12345_1604913106 (This way we can trackback to the exact Jira ticket and Object Id)
Jira # combined with Linux Timestamp, object id and sequential numbers if there are more than one file name required under one ticket ex. JSD1_12345_1604913106#1, JSD1_12345_1604913106#2
Jira # combined with Linux Timestamp and sequential numbers if there are more than one file name required under one ticket ex. JSD1_1604913106#1, JSD1_1604913106#2.
We can mask the jira ticket number with some values so that we do not reveal the underlying JIRA ticket number for ex. JSD-1 can be masked to 101941 where 10, 19 and 4 are the position of the letters J, S and D respectively in the English alphabet system
Process for ingesting data in NETX