Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Note: The Size of the attachment file can be changed.

4. API

Create customer request POST /rest/servicedeskapi/request


Hit the below endpoint URL with parameters to get sessionKey


Body Parameters (required):


  • Step 1: Upload files to NetX server using below endpoint URL and parameters:

Response from Postman:


  • Step 2: Hit the create asset API using the below endpoint URL

    • URL:

    • Body Parameters (required):

      • sessionKey : sessionKey

      • Filedata: file.jpg

      • categoryId : categoryId (folder id)

      • Example:

        • Request

          Code Block
            "id": "7441158495944158",
            "method": "createAssetFromFile",
            "params": [
                "data": [
            "dataContext": "json",
            "jsonrpc": "2.0"

        • Response

          Code Block
              "result": {
                  "id": 164608,
                  "name": "TestImageN6",
                  "fileName": "TestImageN6.jpg",
                  "creationDate": 1602769228000,
                  "importDate": 1602769228000,
                  "modDate": 1602769228000,
                  "file": {
                      "name": "TestImageN6.jpg",
                      "size": 33386,
                      "width": null,
                      "height": null,
                      "checksum": null,
                      "url": "/file/asset/164608/original/attachment"
                  "proxies": null,
                  "views": null,
                  "relatedAssets": null,
                  "folders": null,
                  "attributes": null
              "id": "7441158495944158",
              "jsonrpc": "2.0"


Hit the below endpoint URL to get assets from specific folders


Body Parameters (required):






What kind of mechanism do we want to use for making the request from CITI to JIRA?

Do we want to use JSD customer portal forms or do we want to use JSD create customer request api or both? Does it depend on the request type?

There maybe some scenarios in parent child relationship where we may have to go ahead with request apis but for most of the scenarios we will be using the JSD form with pre-filled values from CITI


On what event do we have to send data from JSD to CITI app?

After creation of a request?
After update is made to JSD request?


What are the different types of scenarios we will encounter while making a request from CITI app to JSD for each request type?

parent/child relationship in orders
multiple orders in one request
any other type??

We have received the clarifications for new object photography request type. Waiting for others now.


How are we going to capture different values for same field in a parent child relationship scenario?

For parent child scenario if the data for parent and child is passed in single tab and for some field/s if a parent has a different value than child then how are we going to handle this scenario?


Whats a briefcase in CITI app?

In one of the mails it is mentioned that a briefcase in CITI app can be used to make an imaging order. Are there any other such features that we should know about?

Briefcase in CITI app is nothing but clubbing multiple objects from CITI into one request in JSD


What do you mean by dynamic functionalities of the form fields?

There are some places in mail chain where it mentions the term dynamic functionalities wrt JSD form fields.

Dynamic functionalities of the form means the ability of the JSD forms to validate the input or to pull the list of Users or list of issues and display them in the Issue picker or user picker respectively


Are the data points sent from CITI to JSD remain the same for different request types?

Object ID, Object title, Artist, Department, Object Type, Thumbnail path, Place ID/Place shortcut codes, Location/Place Name, Exhibition ID, Exhibition Title, Exhibition Opening Date, Exhibition Opening Date, Exhibition Closing Date, Exhibition Curator

They remain the same (only the actual values will differ). Also for one request type some proportion of these data points may be sent over to JSD and for other request type the remaining may be sent over for ex. for object photography the CITI app may send Object ID ,Object title, Artist, Department and Object Type, Thumbnail path but for conservation photography the CITI app may send Place ID/Place shortcut codes and Location/Place Name only


What logic we have to use to generate the file names for image records

The old phoenix used to generate file names based on image records. We have to confirm this logic while creating the ticket in jira


What processing do we have to do for each step of the workflow for different request types?

There are seven request types each with its own workflows. We have to get a confirmation on what processing we have to do at each step of the workflow


Do we have to handle the attachments at all?

Do we have to handle the upload,download, moving of attachments or will we be only involved in generating the names of images and pushing updates to and from JIRA?


On what event do we have to send the information to NETX?

We have to confirm the event on which we have to send the data to NETX app


Get confirmation on fields from and to NETX

We will have to get confirmation on which fields we will have to send to NETX and which fields we will be receiving from NETX and also how are we going to use this piece of information.


Scenarios for handling multiple objects from CITI app


  • Briefcase Scenario(One JSD request with multiple objects) (Applicable for New Object Photography, Conservation Photography, Labwork)


Each Object has same values for all fields in the JSD form

Each/Some Object/Objects has/have different field values in the JSD form


There should be a way for the CITI app to create multiple requests(tickets in JSD) using the JSD form for objects which have same values for all the fields in jsd form except the object ids which come from CITI app

There should be a way for the CITI app to create multiple requests(tickets in JSD) using the JSD form for objects which have different values for some or all of the fields on the JSD form.


  • A single fields should be there to capture different object ids in the form of some delimited values ex. Textbox(43243,54254,65433)

  • Details of each object has to be passed in separate tab

Ideas for implementation

  • It opens a single JSD form

  • It captures the object ids in the text box as delimited values and rest of the data remains same

  • It will open one JSD forms in each tab for each corresponding object id

  • User has to enter multiple details pertaining to each object in each tab separately

Request parameters

type=case4 ids=343432,54353,32133214,54325,432421(in single tab)

type=case5 id=65436 (tab1)
type=case5 id=65437 (tab2)


Use the creation event to create the tickets in the JSD using the info from JSD form and different Object Ids



  • Parent/Child relationship(One JSD request with multiple children)(Applicable for New Object Photography, Conservation Photography)


Parent and child objects have same values for all fields in the JSD form

Parent has different values for some or all fields when compared to children
Children across them have the same values for all fields

Parent has same values for all fields as subset of children
Children across them may have some common field values
Subset of children have all common field values


There should be a way for the CITI app to create multiple requests(tickets in JSD) using the JSD form for objects which have parent child relationships and which have the same values for all the fields in the JSD form

There should be a way for the CITI app to create multiple requests(tickets in JSD) using the JSD form for objects which have parent child relationships in which parent has different values for some or all of the fields in JSD form while children themselves have same values for all the fields in the JSD form

There should be a way for the CITI app to create multiple requests(tickets in JSD) using the JSD form for objects which have parent child relationships in which parent has same values for all of the fields in JSD form as a subset children while the remaining children have different values for at least some of the JSD form fields


  • Only the object ids differ and rest of the data remains same

  • It needs a text field to capture object ids for parent and children on customer portal

  • Details of parent has to be passed in each tab along with child data

  • Details of parent has to be passed in each tab along with child data

Ideas for implementation

  • It opens a single form

  • It captures the object ids in the text box as delimited values for children and parent. Rest of the data remains same.

  • It will open JSD forms in different tabs

  • User has to enter multiple details pertaining to each child object

  • Request for each child has to be submitted separately

  • It will open JSD forms in different tabs

  • User has to enter multiple details pertaining to each child object

  • Request for each child has to be submitted separately

Request parameters

type=case1 p=4232 c=43243,43214,4443,6543 (in single tab)

type=case3 p=4342 c=65436 (tab1)
type=case3 p=4352 c=73436 (tab2)
type=case3 p=3742 c=63464 (tab3)

type=case3 p=4342 c=65436 (tab1)
type=case3 p=4352 c=73436 (tab2)
type=case3 p=3742 c=63464 (tab3)


Use the creation event to create the tickets in the JSD using the info from JSD form and different Object Ids

Use the creation event to create the tickets in the JSD for parent and child using the data from JSD form

Use the creation event to create the tickets in the JSD for parent and child using the data from JSD form

  • Single request Scenario for each request type

Request Type

Object Photography/Conservation Photography

Gallery rotation




There should a text field in customer portal to capture the object id

There should a text field in customer portal to capture the object id

There should a text field in customer portal to capture the object id

There should a text field in customer portal to capture the object id


It opens a JSD(customer portal) form and pre-populates the data coming from CITI

It opens a JSD(customer portal) form and pre-populates the data coming from CITI

It opens a JSD(customer portal) form and pre-populates the data coming from CITI

It opens a JSD(customer portal) form and pre-populates the data coming from CITI

CITI Metadata

Place ID/Place shortcut codes
Location/Place Name
Exhibition ID
Exhibition Title
Exhibition Opening Date
Exhibition Closing Date
Exhibition Curator

Place ID/Place shortcut codes
Location/Place Name
Exhibition ID
Exhibition Title
Exhibition Opening Date
Exhibition Closing Date
Exhibition Curator
